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Starting Over Later in Life

We see those stories all the time…the 84 year-old great grandma who finishes that college degree she started 66 years ago.

The message is always clear…it’s NEVER too late.

It might be easier to begin something new in your 50’s or 60’s. You have a lifetime of experience (and experiences) from which to draw.

Maybe your passion for something you NEVER even considered was awakened by that collection of everything you did in business. Up until now, you have been working for someone else.

Suddenly, YOU are the recipient of your hard work.

We always took great pride in our work performance and now that carrot at the end of the stick has a slightly different flavor.

We find that age old saying is true: “Love what you do and you’ll never work a day in your life”

What a joy to discover all over again, that excitement you had on your first day on the job so many years ago! Take the leap! It’s much more fun the second time around!


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