Welcome to the Riley Jones Real Estate Media Blog. Our inspiration for the company name came from a playful moment with our furry friend, Riley.

As we brainstormed ideas for a catchy and memorable name, Riley was running around the room with his toy, and one of us blurted out, "Riley Jones Real Estate Photography!"
Riley's fun-loving nature, photogenic charm, and aversion to cameras inspired us, and his name even sounds like that of an old Memphis blues player. And just like that, we had our moniker.
It all started with the name: Riley Jones Real Estate Photography. And then came the realization that we were starting a business!
It was intimidating at first, but as we began working with real estate agents and property managers, we discovered our passion for making their listings stand out.
We found joy in working with our clients and helping them achieve their goals.
Looking back, we're proud of what we've accomplished in our first year, and we're excited to see what 2023 has in store for us!